There are so many facial devices out there on the market right now it’s really hard to choose which you believe will best suit your skin. I’ve done my research and recently decided to splurge and try the Nūface Trinity Pro. I’ve read so many reviews and watched quite a few YouTube videos that I decided I want to give this out a try for myself, as well as get my mother into it. I’ve had this facial device for about two months now and I have to say, totally not sponsored here, that I really love it. It truly does make such a difference in the way your skin just bounces back and takes shape. I also feel like there’s a glow and my overall skin complexion has just gotten so much better.
Let’s start with what this product does
Facial Toning
Nūface is a facial toning device that uses mircocurrent therapy to improve with skin’s overall facial tone, contour, and wrinkle reduction. If you read on their website it states that it will give you a more radiant and younger looking appearance.
It takes 5 minutes per session, best when used for 5 days a week for the first 60 days, which is 8-9 weeks. After the 60 days you can then use it only 2-3 times a week to maintain results.
On the site it says that you are to only use the device with the NūFace Gel Primer.

Since I’m 29 years old I’ve been wanting to start really getting into anti-aging care. However, for anyone who is older than 29 and want to know if it helps with existing wrinkles, I can tell you it really does. I’ve used it on my mother who is 60 years old, she’s gonna kill me for telling you guys! haha, and I’ve seen such a difference in her skin! Even more in hers than mine to be totally honest. Her skin looks so much tighter and firmer. I’ve also seen a serious reduction in wrinkles especially around her mouth and forehead.
Trinity Attachments

I personally don’t use this attachment as much as my mother does but she absolutely loves it and swears by it. This has seriously become such a part of our routine now!
Now there is one last attachment that we haven’t tried just yet but are considering getting in the near future. It’s called the Wrinkle Reducer Red & Infrared Light Therapy Attachment. This is something that I believe would really work as well and the moment we decide to purchase I will have a full updated review for you!
Now guys full disclosure here! I purchased my NūFace Trinity Pro on Ebay. They do not sell the Pro version in stores unless you are licensed to use the Pro. The reason is because it is a higher powered device than the one sold in stores. I’ve tried the standard NūFace Trinity from my friend and personally love the Pro much better. I can really feel the difference. However, there are many fakes out there and dupes of this product. If you are purchasing make sure to check the credibility of whomever you are purchasing it from and that you can return the device if you believe it is not a real one!
If you have any questions about the device please comment below and I will do my best to answer based on my experience!
good article very hopeful