
Woman posing in streetstyle photo


Hey everyone! I hope you’re having an amazing Wednesday! I’ve really been wearing quite a lot of different sweats recently and wanted to put a cool outfit together for you guys! I know many of you have heard of the clothing company Superdry, I’ve heard of them several years back but I never really shopped there until a few weeks ago. I saw all the amazing cropped hoodies that they have and legit fell in love! The best part is how soft they are. They have so many different colors and styles that you can pair with denim or sweats like I have that you really can’t go wrong.

I paired my hoodie with a new pair of Scotch & Soda men’s sweats. I purchased them in the smallest size so that I can wear them low on the hip and have a really great boyfriend fit. When I’m wearing a look like this I love to add heels. You can pair this look with some sneakers and it will also look great but I opted for some leather lace up Isabel Marant heels to tie everything together.


Woman posing in sweats in streetstyle photo

Woman walking posing in sweats

Detail shot of red Superdry sweatshirt

Woman posing with hand over head in streetstyle photo

Side detail shot of red Superdry sweatshirt

Woman posing sideways wearing grey sweats and red sweatshirt

Woman posing wearing red Superdry sweatshirt

Outfit Details

  • Hoodie: Superdry
  • Sweats: Scotch & Soda (Men’s)
  • Heels: Isabel Marant
  • Earrings: H&M

Let me know in the comments below if this is a look you’d wear, I’d love to know!

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